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发布日期:2024-08-26 09:57    点击次数:121

威尔·亚历山大是一位诗人、小说家、散文家、剧作家、警句家、视觉艺术家、短篇小说作家、即兴钢琴家、心灵史承载者和词人。他也会应其他作家所求,为他们写推荐语。他著有四十多本书,涵盖以上各个文类。他曾任加利福尼亚州威尼斯的Beyond Baroque文学艺术中心的驻留诗人。他现居住在洛杉矶。

Will Alexander is a poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, aphorist, visual artist, short story writer, improvisatory pianist, conveyer of psychic histories, librettist, blurbist for other writers when called upon. He has published over 40 books in the above mentioned genres, and is poet-in-residence at Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center in Venice California. He lives in Los Angeles.


[美] 威尔·亚历山大

宋子江 译


Visitation As Centigrade

Will Alexander

Light that dispels its articulated essence as mesmerism. That articulates its own essence as mesmerism being nuance by filigree, that pre-ignites its own chirality. Here there is pre-figurment by chimerical essence, by lack that can be described by defensive manoevvre. This again being mesmerism by ion, by articulate nervous calamity by dawn, by 20 suns as exploding blue light subsumed as articulated nerve ends not as brazen suggestion but as higher inevitability. Not for instance as cognitive codex but atoms on fire merging with darkness as unified transmission as instaneous light that explodes by generating trapezoidal fertility as articulated nomos. This being solar form as unknown language sweeping away horizons, that both explodes and etches its own formation, being diaphanous centigrade as catergraphical charisma that approaches its own summation not as etching or fossil that explodes simultaneous with its own horizon.


[美] 威尔·亚历山大

宋子江 译


Possible Philosophical Fragment

Will Alexander

When language continues to cater to a stilled and impalpable calculus it remains stilled warped by catering to a populace kinetically brazen with deficit. This latter scale promulgated by the living dead as it continues to ignite protracted regression. As partial continents of ice remain active with dissolution it trespasses in-active response with further, more active decimenation.



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